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The truth about autism

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15.08.18, 13:00:35


What is autism?
Autism is a different interconnection of the brain, which manifests itself in a different perception and behavior. Autism istself is not a hindrance, instead autistics are often excluded and obstructed by society because they can not fit into social norms. Currently 1.15% of the World population are autistic. Autism cannot be healed, as it is not a disease or a disorder. Autism is a part of the personality of every autism person, you can not tear them apart without wiping out the personality itself.

What are Neurotypical or non-autistic?
A simple answer to a simple question : Neurotypical or non-autistic are all people who aren't autistic. Currently 98.85% of the World population are Neurotypical and there is a big difference between them and us. They have different social systems and a different of thinking. We're not made to living together, they don't understand us and we don't understand them. But they react very negative to all what is different than themselves. They say that we are ill ore disordered. Back in history they did terrible things to us. In 1944 a austrian child psychologist named Hans Asperger discovered the Asperger syndrome and to the defeat of nazi Germany in summer 1945 over 3000 children with Asperger-syndrome were killed in the program " T4".

What we should do ?
We, all autism of the World, should unite and resist against the discrimination of the Neurotypical. Today they are some organizations of autism people who representing autism awareness. But I think we shouldn't be only accepted by the Neurotypical. We should defining ourselves new as a new species. I'm saying they are great differences between us and the Neurotypical, that means also genetic differences. We have over 1000 genes in cromosom 7 and 16 different. From all 25.000 human genes, that are only 0.04%. But, when we assume that the complexest organ in our body , the brain, is coded by 10% of the human genom, over 0.4% of this genes are different. That's a bigger difference than between humans and chimpanzees. Also autism is genetically inheritable over several generations. Our phenotype is one of the most genetically complex that our science knows. It exist no other "illness" or "syndrome" like autism. There all coded by only one or not so many genes or/and aren't inheritable. We should build up an better society for autism people and isolating us from the Neurotypical to avoid acts of social violence or even more terrible things. Help us to make this dream come true! tell other autism people about our resistance and demonstrate against the discrimination and social violence of the Neurotypical society!
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