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Kanada: 27 Jähriger "psychisch Kranker" möchte euthanasiert werden

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01.11.16, 22:03:01


Adam Maier-Clayton lives in constant pain and wants to die.

The 27-year-old business school graduate has battled anxiety, mood disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder since he was a child.

He says his debilitating pain feels like parts of his body are being burned by acid. Despite a host of treatments, some of them experimental, his agony has only worsened in recent years.

Fed up with the torment, Maier-Clayton wants doctors to help him end his life. But Canada's assisted dying laws, which came into effect last summer, do not apply to people with mental illness.

Maier-Clayton says the pain is constant, but it worsens with any kind of cognitive activity, including reading and speaking.

"I can't get through three pages of a book," he said. "Just to get through the first two would leave me with six hours of pain. I can't read, I can't write."

Doctors have not been able to determine the physical cause of his pain, so they believe it must be linked to his mental conditions.

06.12.16, 15:59:18


Auch nicht schlecht:
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