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Studie: Fast 3% südkoreanischer Schüler sind autistisch

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10.05.11, 23:35:03


This study was conducted between 2005 and 2009 in the Ilsan
district of Goyang City, South Korea, a stable, residential commu-
nity near Seoul (area, 102 km2; population, 488,590) and represen-
tative of the general South Korean population (Korean Statistical
Information Service, Capital Region Population, 2006). The tar-
get population (N=55,266) included all children born from 1993
through 1999 (ages 7–12 years at screening) and attending Ilsan
elementary schools, as well as children in the same age group
enrolled in the Ilsan Disability Registry between September 2005
and August 2006. Thirty-three of 44 elementary schools agreed to
participate; 36,592 children were enrolled in participating schools
and 294 in the Disability Registry (see section 1 of the data sup-
plement that accompanies the online edition of this article). In-
vestigators built collaborative community partnerships through
ethnographic interviewing, meetings, and lectures (see section 2
of the online data supplement).


Prevalence estimates of any ASD
diagnosis ranged from 2.69% (95% confidence interval
[CI]=2.20–3.18) to 2.74% (95% CI=2.25–3.24). Additional
sensitivity analyses for lowest, mid-range, and highest
proportion of psychiatric or psychological service use in
the regular-schools group yielded prevalence estimates of
any ASD ranging from 2.44% (95% CI=1.81–3.07) to 2.75%
(95% CI=1.96–3.55). Both sensitivity analyses indicate that
these differences are minimal, with a broad overlap of
confidence intervals.

Quelle: Kim, Leventhal, Koh et al.; Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Total Population Sample; AJP in Advance. Published May 9, 2011 (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.10101532)
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